Apr 4, 2012

A Short Story - Time to change your password

Simran was about to leave office after finishing her work. She got a call from her husband Raaj.

Simran: "Hello, yes Raaj".

Raaj: "Simmi, can you open my gmail and get a print out of the mail from that Singapore consultant? I forgot to take it in my office"

Simran: "Yes, I can, I need your password"
Raaj: "mahi22091980"

Simran: "Ok fine"

She takes the print out and logs out. Some thought struck her mind suddenly. Mahi happens to be his college mate. Hmmm...

She decides not to discuss this with Raaj. She simply opens her mail box and changes the password from "armaan143" to "RaajSimran" and leaves for home!

MORAL OF THE STORY: Change your password! NOW!

Disclaimer: A very old forwarded mail !

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